Monday, June 19, 2017

Rando Life Update

Here I am, ignoring the sink full of dirty dishes, to bring you an update on what's going on.

I was recently named a keyholder at work. What this means for me: I'm a sort-of manager. I have keys to the store and am the manager on duty sometimes. I get the store opened in the mornings when I work days, and I close the store and get the deposit ready when I work nights. (not like dealing with money is stressful or anything!) I do planagrams (basically rearranging the shelves for merchandise displays) that make my forearms look like I was involved in a tussle with a bobcat.  Occasionally I even get to take the deposit to the bank. It also means I got a raise, which is nice. I have also been working weirdo hours lately. Two weeks ago I worked 41 hours, which my bank account enjoyed but I personally did not.

Ben made the President's List at school again. Smarty!  So proud of him.

Allyson is going to church camp in about two weeks. This is her first time, and she's super-excited. I'm excited for her too, I grew up Catholic so the words "church" and "camp" did not exactly go in the same sentence. Can't wait to hear all about her experience!

July is the Month o'Birthdays (Ben on the 4th, his mom on the 6th, me on the 14th and Allyson on the 28th). I love birthdays, so I am excited!

Allyson has a bridging ceremony for Girl Scouts on Saturday. She just completed her final year of Brownies, so she'll be a Junior. Sigh. She's getting so big so fast.

Swim lessons got cancelled five minutes in due to rain and lightning. Allyson and I are mad. She's mad because she had to stop swimming. I'm mad because now I can't plant the iris bulbs my stepmom gave me yesterday. I have to wait until tomorrow. Bleh!!

Oh, and Father's Day was yesterday. I went and saw my dad. We have a weird relationship now that he and my mom are divorced and he's remarried. But he is still my dad, after all, and I love him.

And Ben is just a super dad, you guys. He is clearly the better half of the parenting team. (I did allow our child to buy unfrosted Pop Tarts, so obviously I am not the winner.) He's a fun dad, but he also lays down the law when needed. I am so blessed that God chose this man to be the father of my child.

Anyway, I've fooled around long enough. Dishes await me. Yuck.

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